Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm all about new modes of moving humans around efficiently, producing small (carbon) footprints, here and there.
I doubt if Oneone is going to be around soon but this Segway P.U.M.A. might just be zipping into your parking spot (a fraction of it) in the closer future. Looking like a cross between a wheelchair and a horse-drawn carriage (without a laboring beast), at least this evolution of the Segway doesn't have one towering above other pedestrians, looking like a busker on stilts/wheels.
My one concern though is safety, especially on the mean streets of Los Angeles, where douchebags run amok in their gas guzzling SUVs, flouting the 'no cellphone' rule. The original (tall) segways might enable higher visibility but when the design starts to involve seats and windshields, you start to become 'more like' the other car drivers and motorists. And without ABS brakes or a protective shell, I'd probably only drive this around the farm! Meh.

from Dapper Scout:
"As a technology collaboration between Segway and General Motors, the Segway P.U.M.A. Prototype represents the next step in the evolution of the personal urban transportation vehicle and as of now, it’s the only one of its kind.  The Segway P.U.M.A. is currently configured for two people and features a proprietary dynamic stabilization system that uses angular rate sensors and accelerometers to identify orientation and send power to the motors, as necessary, to ensure proper acceleration and balance.  The P.U.M.A. has a top speed between 25 – 35 mph and an approximate travel range of 25 – 35 miles.  An intuitive steering console allows users to accelerate and brake by simply pushing away or pulling in the steering console as appropriate.  And with a Lithium Ion battery and regenerative braking capabilities, the Segway P.U.M.A. is both cost efficient and environmentally friendly, requiring only about $0.60 worth of electricity for a full charge."

+  read more about this HERE
• PH


DarinK said...

Didn't the cops in Bladerunner and RoboCop use these? :p


Phil Han said...

Robocop maybe. I just watched Bladrunner for the 20th time last night and I didn't see one. I would love one though!

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