Wednesday, September 2, 2009


2 nights ago on our walk back after picking up some Tommy's chilli burgers, I noticed these bright lights in the night sky, looking northeast. I asked my roommate Hal, who was walking ahead, what construction he thought those cranes were for, with their bright orange lights burning through the dark of the horizon. He said, "What crane? Those are from the fires!" Duh.

Here are 2 pics my friend Frances Schrifin took from her street in La Canada (one doctored by me. Thanks Caca.) Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the 2 firefighters who lost their lives plus a big thank you to all the fire crew who've risked their lives to save us from these Burning Hills of Bacon.

(Because of my allergies due to the fire, I haven't had a chance to post anything new but I'm back)


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