Friday, July 31, 2009


If, like me, you started out your design career pasting up and completing FA (Finished Artwork) for print, you'll feel a tad nostalgic when you walk through these halls @ The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies. Some of them might still actually show up in your shopping list, handed to your production co-ordinator, who are probably wondering WTH a Loupe is? (Mini gallery of some of my faves and link to The Museé below) Anyone got any SPRAY MOUNT?


MJ Vilardi said...

This is a treat. Great post! I still have a lot of those things close at hand. Good luck charms I guess. A crazy artist at US News used to entertain us by lighting his hands on fire with Bestine. There is no digital equivalent for that!

I actually just used an old Agfa loupe as a closeup lens for my Flip HD minicam.

Phil Han said...

Personally, I've always felt it was nice having these object d'art lying around on the desk. "Look at me, I'm an Art Director!" lol

Always a pleasure.

DarinK said...

Excellent Phil! I still have a can of Bestene somewhere... nothing is better for removing sticky stuff! But OH the fumes and threats of cancer! :eek!:

Phil Han said...

Mmm fumes from the art dept. LOL

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