Thursday, May 28, 2009

JSYK : South Korea's 'ghost' airport

What strange times we live in. Too bad you can't physically transport this sparkling new airport to LAX or some other airport in need of a renovation, here in the US. The Tom Bradley Terminal could do with a makeover and some re-planning on how they move people around. When I arrived at TB to catch a flight to Singapore after 9/11, I swear the line at the security checkpoint snaked in and out of the terminal twice! I almost didn't make my flight. Just writing about it gives me anxiety. Just So You Know.

Anyway, this is a pretty interesting news report from the BBC and a link to their full report.


cardiogrl said...

This is the coolest post - LOVE it!

Phil Han said...

Gee thanks. I'm glad you like it...more to come. And thanks for the kind comments.

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